Facebook is getting much attention on internet sometimes for bad stuff sometimes for good stuff. This time we are here to tell you about Facebook's recent new awesome feature called ' A Look Back '. Previously Facebook had got attention as a Princeton Researchers predicted that Facebook will die in 2017. In a hilarious answer from Facebook, they predicted that university would lose all of its students by 2021.
Coming back to ' A Look Back ' feature then according to Facebook " A Look Back is an experience that compiles your highlights since joining Facebook. Depending on how long you’ve been on Facebook and how much you’ve shared, you’ll see a movie, a collection of photos or a thank you card. ".
Now to get your ' A Look Back ' video you have to visit : https://www.facebook.com/lookback
Facebook has also enabled us with the Edit option and you can edit your video and share with your friends. So enjoy this awesome feature from Facebook. Share your love for us by sharing this post and do visit us again for some cool tricks and tips.